Data security is our priority.  We have implemented a number of security measures to keep your data stays safe. 

Advanced, multi-layered encryption

Your data is encrypted at rest and in transit on Stronghold. That means that your data is protected while it is stored in Stronghold and when it is being uploaded or downloaded to and from Stronghold. 

To keep your data safe, we user advanced encryption, known as 256-bit AES encryption, while your data is at rest on our system. This is a standard used by many financial institutions. We also use Transport Layer Security to encrypt your data in transit.   

Strong passwords

We require strong passwords containing no less than 12 characters. It important that you don't use a password that you use for other services or websites. We suggest using a password manager to create strong passwords and to change your password from time to time. 

Leaked Password Protection

Our system prevents the use of leaked passwords using the open-source Pwned Passwords API to reject passwords that have been compromised in data leaks and are known by malicious actors.

Secure File sharing

We want to make it easy to share and collaborate, but not too easy! Links to view and download shared documents don't require the recipient to log in to Stronghold, but they expire after 24 hours. You won't find any perma-links that allow access to your documents forever! 

This is just the beginning

We are continuously evaluating and upgrading the security of our system. Stronghold will be implementing additional security measures to keep your data safe.